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This unique 13" Maneki Neko is surrounded with many Japanese Legendary Lucky Charms. Let's count them:
1. Japanese calligraphy O-Iri means Full of Customers. You will find this calligraphy on the left paw of this Maneki Neko and one of the small gold coins on the bottom.
2. Red Snapper (fish): Mede Tai or Congratulatory.
3. Go Kaku (found on the bottom where 2 mini white cats are positioned on top of 2 calligraphy just left of the red snapper or mede tai): A simultaneous Good Wishes and Congratulatory meaning in Passing the Difficut Test or Big Exam! Doing well in the examination.
4. Daruma (above Taiko Drum): Legendary making a wish & coming true.
5. Taiko Drum - U chi de no ko zu tsu: Legend of swinging the drum (taiko) makes money.
6. Black Cats (2) symbolizes safety and protection against evil.
7. Multi-Color cats with the Right Paw up symbolizes the fortune or welcome of money.
8. Good Fortune calligraphy on collar.
9. 2 coins representing the sen man dyo or 100,000 yen. (Dyo was the old Edo era currency).
This Maneki Neko is designed and possesses the Japanese legendary lucky symbols for the protection, guidance, and success of any student, professional or any business. The Red Mat it sits on is included.
What is Maneki Neko?
Maneki Neko is not just any kind of cat figurine. It sits and has it's front paw raised as if it is calling for someone and is the only one that can be called a "Maneki Neko". For many decades the "Fortune Cat", "Otafuku" and "Fukusuke" have been widely favored for business prosperity, family happiness, and the calling of many customers. Set it in your home, computer work station area, office, business, restaurant or store. Legend has it that the LEFT PAW UP invites people or customers while the RIGHT PAW UP brings luck and fortune. The origin of this legend is not clear. The most popular and the majority of Lucky Cats or Maneki Nekos have their LEFT PAW UP (which eventually due to its beckoning of customers, brings good fortune). It works as a kind of lucky charm. All of our Maneki Neko's paw are shown forward for the purpose of "beckoning" or "welcoming". Our most popular Maneki Neko are spotted-colored on white. Spotted-colored white cats have been known as a rarity in Japan for many decades and have always been considered a kind of a legendary lucky charm. Most Maneki Neko, regardless of color, ful-fill a dual purpose due to these legends. They are carefully designed and crafted into an attractive welcoming or beckoning figurine to all who see it and a piggy bank providing a mindful and useful purpose. Only the smaller sizes, such as less than 4 inches are usually just figurines.
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